Every brand realizes the importance of having a website in this era of digitization. But it is not merely enough to have a website; you need to ensure that your web design is interactive, creative, and easy to use. When a user lands on your website, they will stay on it longer and potentially become a buying customer if they find the web design to be good enough.

That is why businesses and web designers are always keen to know the up-and-coming trends in web design to enhance user experience. For example, as more and more people started using mobile phones to surf the internet and go to websites, the need for creating responsive web design increased and everyone started focusing on adopting responsive web design to increase customer engagement.

So as we approach the end of the year, it is time for the yearly ritual to take a look at the trends in the coming year. Here, we discuss four web design trends to watch out for in 2024.

Focus On UX/UI Design:

A website can never keep running successfully and generate more leads and revenue if it fails to impress the users. 88% of online shoppers don’t return to a site after having a bad user experience. That is why user experience and user interface, i.e., UX/UI design is gaining so much momentum already and will stay in trend in 2024. Designers are finding new ways to improve UX by creating immersive experiences for users. With a focus on UX and UI, web designers make the website completely user-centric. Every page and each touch point and interaction is designed while keeping users in mind.

A website optimized for UX and UI results in increased web traffic, reduced bounce rates, more lead generation, and a higher conversion rate. The conversion rates go up by 200% because of better UX design. In a website optimized for users the images, text, headline, navigation bar, animation, everything is designed in such a way that makes it easier for viewers to understand your business and navigate through your website.

Micro Interactions:

Believe it or not, the micro-interactions users experience on your website have a huge impact. Micro-interactions are not only an added animation; these can help the users in their customer journey. Micro-interactions are a subtle way of telling the users whether the page is loading, where they can click or tap to go back or to the next page, etc. For example, the three bars of the side menu turning into a cross after the user has clicked it shows that they need to click the cross again to close the menu.

Buttons changing colors or vibrating when being clicked are other common examples. Thus, these help as interactive elements and loading indicators, guiding user behavior, enhancing user experience, and increasing user engagement. Such interactive elements indicate status changes to users and make the website look more aesthetic overall. These simple yet creative micro interactions become a brand identity and increase customer satisfaction and web usability. 70% of online businesses fail due to poor usability, thus this is something not to be taken lightly.

Animated Product Reveals:

Hover animations are a good way to enhance the functionality of your website while also making it entertaining for the users. Web designers are taking hover animations to another level. And the latest frenzy is using it for product reveal. This is an interactive and creative trend that you will see on every other website in 2024. Using the magic of hover animations, you can easily turn an otherwise simple or even boring-looking web page into an extravagant product reveal.

There are many benefits of including hover animation to reveal products. First, the customer does not need to go to a new page each time they have to view a product; by simply hovering their cursor over it, they can view the product. Second, the product seems to come alive when a video or more images start showing, this makes a product look more appealing. Moreover, your website will look tidier by showing one image at a time. Other than that, it adds an element of fun and mystery for the users.

Dark Mode Themes:

Bright screens put a lot of strain on the eyes, and it causes eye fatigue. Eye strain can further cause headaches. Especially when people use their devices in low light environments, for example in the bedroom at nighttime, the extra bright screen causes discomfort. That is why dark mode is becoming rapidly famous and all apps and websites are including the option of a dark theme for users. This will be a huge trend in the coming year, offering a better and visually soothing experience to the viewers.

Not only does dark mode take away the strain from the eyes, but it also extends the battery life of the device. That is why the majority of people prefer using a dark theme in not only apps and the web but also as a default theme of their devices. Dark themes are also beneficial from the seller’s point of view because the product pictures on the website look much better, aesthetic, and shine vibrantly with a darker background. It is also easier to read text in dark mode. Thus, it is energy efficient, aesthetically pleasing, and also caters to users’ preferences, improving their experience with your business.

Whether you are developing your website for the first time or you are going for a website redesign, you must make sure you are including all the right ingredients in the web design. Keeping your website updated and lacing it with the latest web designs gives a positive signal to the customers that you give importance to their ever-changing demands and preferences. This article tells you about web design trends that will be prevalent in 2024. If you also want to incorporate these into your website, get in touch with us now!

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